
欢迎弟兄姐妹联系 016-972 8071 或电邮至 [email protected] 索取以下赠书,不限数量,但需自付运费。



Grateful for God's blessings! Annually, we offer 2-3 books as free gifts to fellow Christians. Our hope is that these thoughtfully chosen books will nourish the spiritual journey of believers.

Welcome brothers and sisters to contact us at 016-972 8071 or [email protected] to request these complimentary books. There is no limit on the quantity, but please note that the recipients will need to cover the shipping cost.

We strongly encourage church leaders to utilize these gift books in facilitating book study groups and leading meaningful discussions.

Our heartfelt hope is that everyone who receives these books will be inspired to start reading them and gain a deeper insight into the Gospel.

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