







I. 使徒信经 

II. 尼西亚信经 

III. 迦克墩信经 







Behold Treasures Resources is a Christian bookstore that distributes and sells various books including Bibles, theological books, spiritual books, Christian counseling materials and Sunday school teaching materials. We do our best to gather resources that are in line with the teachings of the Bible, so that pastors and fellow Christians can have access to books that contain gospel-centered content and sound theology.  

Since September 2020, Behold Treasures Resources has been collaborating with an overseas Christian Foundation to translate, print, and distribute spiritual books of the past deemed to be robust in content to Chinese for our fellow Christians in different regions and countries for free. Our hope is that through these precious spiritual books, more people will have the opportunity to pursue a deeper understanding of God. We also look forward to having churches actively request these resources to be used in their fellowship groups and book study groups.

Moreover, Behold Treasures Resources would like to sponsor textbooks and theological books for seminary students who are financially in need or seminaries with insufficient resources in Southeast Asia, according to our bookstore’s ability and in compliance with our regulations. Our prayer is that God will keep us faithful in fulfilling the responsibilities that He has entrusted to us, so that His name will be glorified.

Our purpose and mission

Our purpose is to provide reading materials that are based on the teachings of the Bible. We hope that through this area of ministry, churches will be able to remain in the path of God’s truth, even in the face of modern secular thoughts.

Our stand

We firmly believe in the following creeds:

I. Apostles Creed

II. Nicene Creed of A.D. 325

III. Chalcedon Creed of A.D. 451

We believe that the Bible is the Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit, completely inerrant and infallible, the ultimate authority, and sufficient for all matters concerning faith and practice.

We also insist on the Doctrine of Justification by Faith alone and deny any other contradicting views.

We carefully choose the books we print and sell them based on the above Confessions of Faith.

We do not rule out the possibility of making mistakes in the selection process. If the readers find any content that errs from the truth (except for special orders for research purposes), please report to us immediately.

Upon confirmation, selling of the book will be discontinued.