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The Christian's Reasonable Service [4 Vol.] (Wilhelmus A. Brakel)

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The Christian's Reasonable Service [4 Vol.] (Wilhelmus A. Brakel) Ratings: 0 - 0 votes


First published in 1700, The Christian’s Reasonable Service (De Redelijke Godsdienst) ran through twenty Dutch editions in the eighteenth century alone! The title is derived from Romans 12:1, “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.” It expresses what God requires from man, and particularly from the Christian, that he serve Him in Spirit and in truth—intelligently, rationally, and in harmony with and response to God’s revelation of Himself, His Word.

With a decidedly Puritan flavor and representing  Reformed experiential religion at its best, Wilhelmus à Brakel systematically moves through the major doctrines of the Bible in hopes of seeing the minds of God’s people renewed for the purpose of promoting godliness. Throughout his work, but particularly in the practical application of each doctrine, à Brakel strives unceasingly to exalt the name of Jesus as the name that the Father has given above every other name—there being no other name given under heaven among men whereby we must be saved (Acts 4:12).

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Table of Contents

Volume one
Theology: The Doctrine of God
1. The Knowledge of God from Nature
2. The Word of God
3. The Essence of God
4. The Divine Persons
5. The Decrees of God: General Observations
6. Eternal Predestination: Election and Reprobation
7. The Covenant of Redemption Between God the Father and God the Son Concerning the Elect; or, the Counsel of Peace
8. The Creation of the World
9. Angels and Devils

Anthropology: The Doctrine of Man
10. Concerning Man, Particularly the Soul
11. The Providence of God
12. The Covenant of Works
13. The Breach of the Covenant of Works
14. Original and Actual Sin
15. Man’s Free Will or Impotency and the Punishment Due upon Sin
Christology: The Doctrine of Christ
16. The Covenant of Grace
17. The Necessity of the Atonement by the Surety Jesus Christ
18. The Divinity, Incarnation, and Union of the Two Natures in the 

One Person of Our Lord Jesus Christ
19. The Three Offices of Christ, and Particularly His Prophetic Office
20. The High Priestly Office of Christ
21. The Kingly Office of Jesus Christ
22. The State of Christ’s Humiliation by Which He Made Atonement for the Sins of the Elect
23. The State of Christ’s Exaltation

Volume Two
Ecclesiology: The Doctrine of the Church
24. The Church
25. The Duty to Join and Remain with the Church
26. The Communion of Believers with Christ and with Each Other
27. The Government of the Church, and Particularly the 

Commissioning of Ministers
28. The Offices of Minister, Elder, and Deacon
29. Ecclesiastical Authority and the Use of the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven

Soteriology: The Doctrine of Salvation
30. The External and Internal Call
31. Regeneration
32. Faith
33. Distinguishing Marks of Saving Faith
34. Justification
35. The Adoption of Children
36. Spiritual Peace
37. Spiritual Joy
38. The Sealing of the Believer by the Holy Spirit and by Means of the Sacraments
39. Holy Baptism
40. The Lord’s Supper
41. The Practice of the Lord’s Supper Consisting in Preparation, Celebration and Reflection
42. The Life of Faith in Reference to the Promises
43. A Warning Exhortation Against Pietists, Quietists, and All Who in a Similar Manner Have Deviated to a Natural and Spiritless Religion Under the Guise of Spirituality

Volume Three
Soteriology: The Doctrine of Salvation (cont.)
44. Sanctification and Holiness
45. The Law of God: General Considerations
46. The First Commandment
47. The Second Commandment
48. The Third Commandment
49. The Fourth Commandment
50. The Fifth Commandment
51. The Sixth Commandment
52. The Seventh Commandment
53. The Eighth Commandment
54. The Ninth Commandment
55. The Tenth Commandment
56. The Glorification of God
57. Love Toward God
58. Love Toward the Lord Jesus
59. The Fear of God
60. Obedience Toward God
61. The Exercise of Hope in God
62. Spiritual Strength or Courage
63. The Profession of Christ and His Truth
64. Contentment
65. Self-denial
66. Patience
67. Sincerity (or Uprightness)
68. Prayer
69. The Lord’s Prayer Explained and Applied; The Address and the First Petition: Hallowed Be Thy Name
70. The Second Petition: Thy Kingdom Come
71. The Third Petition: Thy Will be Done
72. The Fourth Petition: Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread
73. The Fifth Petition: Forgive Us Our Debts as We Forgive Our Debtors
74. The Sixth Petition: Lead Us not into Temptation, but Deliver Us from Evil

Volume Four
Soteriology: The Doctrine of Salvation (cont.)
75. Fasting
76. Watchfulness
77. Secret Prayer
78. Spiritual Meditation
79. Singing Spiritual Songs
80. Vows
81. The Practice of Reflecting upon Previous Experiences
82. Love Toward Our Neighbor
83. Humility
84. Meekness
85. Peaceableness
86. Diligence
87. Compassion
88. Prudence
89. Spiritual Growth
90. Regression of Spiritual Life in the Godly
91. Spiritual Desertion
92. The Temptation Toward Atheism or the Denial of God’s Existence
93. The Temptation Whether God’s Word Is True
94. Unbelief Concerning One’s Spiritual State
95. The Assaults of Satan
96. The Power of Indwelling Corruption
97. Spiritual Darkness
98. Spiritual Deadness
99. The Perseverance of the Saints

Eschatology: The Doctrine of the Last Things
100. Death and the Ensuing State of the Soul
101. The Resurrection of the Dead
102. The Last Judgment and the End of the World
103. Eternal Glory

Appendix: The Administration of the Covenant of Grace in the Old and New Testaments
1. The Church of the Old Testament from Adam to Abraham
2. The Church from Abraham to Sinai
4. The Ceremonial Laws Given at Sinai and the Condition of the Church from Sinai to Christ
5. The State of Believers in the Old Testament
6. The Church of the New Testament from the birth of Jesus Christ to the Revelation of John


“Wilhelmus à Brakel’s The Christian's Reasonable Service is a tremendously insightful work that showcases the marriage between scholastic precision and a warm pastoral piety. À Brakel not only challenges the mind as he plumbs the depths of the teachings of Scripture, but he also challenges the heart as readers must grapple with the truth and its implications for their growth in grace. Not only can historians read à Brakel to learn about historic Reformed theology, but scholars, pastors, and laymen can all benefit from a close reading of these wonderful volumes.” — J. V. Fesko, Academic Dean and Associate Professor of Systematic Theology, Westminster Seminary California

 “With its fine balance of Reformed doctrinal statement and application to Christian life and personal piety, à Brakel’s Christian’s Reasonable Service provides a superb illustration of the theological project associated with the late seventeenth century development of the Dutch Nadere Reformatie, or ‘Further Reformation.’ Although it abounds in sound definition and detailed exposition, this vernacular theology was intended not for the academic setting but for the purpose of educating the laity in both faith and practice. It remains a significant study in Reformed theology even as it exemplifies the true sense of the old Reformed maxim, Ecclesia reformata semper reformanda—namely, that the doctrine of the church has been reformed but the life of the Christian is always to be reformed, guided by the teachings of the Reformation. The Elshout translation beautifully conveys the sense and the spirit of à Brakel’s work.” — Richard A. Muller, P. J. Zondervan Professor of Historical Theology, Calvin Theological Seminary

“No systematic theology compares to Wilhelmus à Brakel’s The Christian’s Reasonable Service for its explicit concern to weld the objective and subjective in theology. Emerging from the Dutch Further Reformation, à Brakel is without equal in exploring both the intricate details of the Reformed theological system whilst ensuring that at every turn theology is done in the interests of piety and the glory of God. In an era when the subjective has either been lost in a sea of postmodernity or viewed with suspicion for its apparent lack of academic integrity, only those who have never read this monumental treatise would dismiss it as guilty of either. An achievement to place alongside Calvin’s Institutes and the systematic theologies of Turretin, Hodge, and Berkhof.” — Derek W. H. Thomas, John E. Richards Professor of Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary

Product Details

Title: The Christian's Reasonable Service (4 Vol.)

Author: Wilhelmus A. Brakel

ISBN: 9781601781314

Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books

Pages: 2704

Binding: Hardcover

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