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KJV, Paragraph-style Large Print Thinline Bible, Red Letter, Comfort Print: Holy Bible, King James Version

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KJV, Paragraph-style Large Print Thinline Bible, Red Letter, Comfort Print: Holy Bible, King James Version Ratings: 0 - 0 votes


Perfect for anyone looking for a new way to experience the revered KJV. This edition is published in large KJV Comfort Print type, which was designed exclusively for Thomas Nelson to be the most readable at any size.

The KJV Paragraph-style Large Print Thinline Bible features the timeless beauty of the trustworthy King James Version Bible. While the traditional design of the King James text starts each verse on its own line, this edition improves the reading experience and comprehension by keeping the writers’ thoughts together in paragraph format. And with Thomas Nelson’s exclusive KJV Comfort Print®, you’ll enjoy typography designed to be exceptionally easy-to-read and honoring the legacy of the King James Version.

In 1611 the King James Bible was published and authorized by the monarch of England and Scotland. Today, more than 400 years since its initial publication, the KJV is considered one of the most influential and beautiful works of the English language and continues to be the favorite translation for millions of Christians worldwide.

Features include

Bible book introductions provide a concise overview of the background and historical context of the book about to be read

Over 22,000 translator notes for a better understanding of translation decisions for particular verses

Over 43,000 cross-referenced passages allow you to find related verses quickly and easily

Concordance for looking up a word’s occurrences throughout the Bible

The Parables of Jesus Christ chart call out important stories Jesus uses to teach important spiritual lessons

The Miracles of Jesus Christ chart call out important events during Jesus’ earthly ministry

Presentation page allows you to personalize this special gift by recording a memory or note

Words of Christ in red quickly identify verses spoken by Jesus

Reading plan guiding you through the entire Bible in a year

8 pages of full color maps show a visual representation of Israel and other biblical locations for better context

Satin Ribbon Markers are a useful tool to easily navigate and keep track of where you were reading

Easy-to-read line-matched 10-point KJV Comfort Print

Product Details

Title:  KJV, Paragraph-style Large Print Thinline Bible, Red Letter, Comfort Print: Holy Bible, King James Version

Publisher: Thomas Nelson 

Pages: 1440

Format: Hardcover 

Colour: Gray

Size: 9.75(h) x 6.75(w) x 1.25(d) inches

Weight: 1kg

Font Size:10 pt 

ISBN: 9780785290308

Sample Pages

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