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The Prophet and His Message: Reading Old Testament Prophecy Today (Michael J. Williams)

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The Prophet and His Message: Reading Old Testament Prophecy Today (Michael J. Williams) Ratings: 0 - 0 votes


Studying the prophets,” writes Michael J. Williams, “opens a window through which, if we look carefully enough, we may glimpse the entirety of God’s redemptive plan.” In The Prophet and His Message Williams helps both students and lay persons expand their vision of the Old Testament from a prophetic perspective.

Rather than introduce each prophetic book, Williams examines what a prophet is and does, Israel’s prophetic role, Jesus as the ultimate prophet, and the church’s prophetic ministry today. 

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"Michael Williams skillfully explores the role of the prophets in order to bridge the horizon to their significance for individuals and the church today. Exegetically and theologically savvy." 

—Tremper Longman III 

"Williams has provided lay people with a way of reading biblical prophecy that helps them avoid the many popular and extreme outlooks that surround us today. What a joy to see sober reflection on this very important part of Scripture put in a way that everyone can understand." 

—Richard L. Pratt Jr. 

"In this very readable study, Michael Williams not only shows us who and what the Old Testament prophets were in their own context, he also reveals how that understanding helps us to grasp more fully the prophetic ministry of Christ and the prophetic calling of the church. This book will both fix your eyes upon Jesus and challenge you to a greater understanding of what it means to be a faithful Christian in your own setting." 

—Iain M. Duguid

Product Details

Title: The Prophet and His Message: Reading Old Testament Prophecy Today

Author: Michael J. Williams

ISBN: 9780875525556

Publisher: P&R Publishing

Pages: 240

Binding: Paperback

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